V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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434page / 8.72MB
03 Your driving environment Starting the engine03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.115WARNINGNever remove the remote control key fromthe car while driving or during towing.Stop the engineTo switch off the engine:•Press START/STOP ENGINE - the enginestops.If the gear selector is not in P position or if thecar is moving:•Press twice on START/STOP ENGINE orhold the button depressed until the enginestops.Steering lockA mechanical noise can be perceived when thesteering lock unlocks or locks.•The steering lock unlocks when the remotecontrol key is in the ignition switch2 and theSTART/STOP ENGINE button isdepressed.•The steering lock locks when the driver'sdoor is opened after the engine has beenswitched off.Key positionsFor information on the remote control key's dif-ferent key positions - see page 78Remote start - ERS*General information on ERSRemote start (ERS – Engine Remote Start)means that the car's engine can be startedremotely using the remote control key. This isso that the passenger compartment can bewarmed up/cooled down before departure.The climate control starts with the same set-tings that were being used when the car wasparked.An ERS-started engine is activated for a maxi-mum of 15 minutes, then it is switched off. Aftertwo ERS-activations the engine must bestarted in the normal way before ERS can bere-used.The ERS option is only available on cars withautomatic gearbox.NOTEFollow local/national rules/regulations onidling.WARNINGTo remote-start the engine, the followingcriteria must be met:•The car must be supervised•There must be no people or animalsinside the car•The car must not be parked in a closed,unventilated area - the exhaust gasesmay seriously injure humans and ani-mals.2Cars with Keyless drive must have a remote control key inside the passenger compartment.
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