V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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04 Driver support City Safety™04* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.169GeneralCity Safety™ is a function for helping the driverto avoid a collision when driving in queues,amongst other things, when changes in thetraffic ahead, combined with a lapse in atten-tion, could lead to an incident.The function is active at speedsunder50 km/h and it helps the driver by auto-matically braking the car in the event of immi-nent risk of collision with vehicles in front,should the driver not react in time by brakingand/or steering away.City Safety™ is activated in situations wherethe driver should have started braking earlier,which is why it cannot help the driver in everysituation.City Safety™ is designed to be activated aslate as possible in order to avoid unnecessaryintervention.City Safety™ must not be used as an excusefor the driver to change his/her driving style. Ifthe driver solely relies on City Safety™ to dothe braking, there will be a collision sooner orlater.The driver or passengers normally only noticeCity Safety™ if a situation arises where the caris extremely close to being in a collision.If the car is also equipped with a CollisionWarning function with Auto Brake*, these twosystems complement each other. For moreinformation on Collision Warning function withAuto Brake, see page 174.IMPORTANTMaintenance and replacement of CitySafety™ components must only be per-formed by a workshop - an authorised Volvoworkshop is recommended.WARNINGCity Safety™ does not engage in all drivingsituations or traffic, weather or road condi-tions.City Safety™ does not react to vehiclesdriving in a different direction from the car,to small vehicles, motorcycles and bicyclesor to humans and animals.City Safety™ can prevent collision at aspeed difference of less than 15 km/h - at ahigher speed difference, it is only possibleto reduce collision speed. In order to obtainfull brake function, the driver must depressthe brake pedal.Never wait for City Safety™ to engage. Thedriver always bears responsibility for main-taining the proper distance and speed.FunctionLaser sensor transmitter and receiver window1.City Safety™ detects the traffic in front of thecar with a laser sensor fitted in the top edge ofthe windscreen. If there is an imminent risk ofcollision, City Safety™ will automatically brakethe car, which may be experienced as suddenbraking.If the speed difference is 4-15 km/h in relationto the vehicle in front then City Safety™ cancompletely prevent a collision.City Safety™ activates a short, sharp brakingand stops the car in normal circumstances, justbehind the vehicle in front. For most drivers thisis well outside normal driving style and may beexperienced as being uncomfortable.1NOTE: The illustration is schematic - details may vary depending on car model.
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