V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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04 Driver support City Safety™04171When City Safety™ has prevented a collisionwith a stationary object the car remains sta-tionary for a maximum of 1.5 seconds. If the caris braked for a vehicle in front that is moving,then speed is reduced to the same speed asthat maintained by the vehicle in front.On a car with manual gearbox the engine stopswhen City Safety™ has stopped the car, unlessthe driver manages to depress the clutch pedalbeforehand.NOTE•Keep the windscreen surface in front ofthe laser sensor free from ice, snow anddirt (see the illustration for sensor loca-tion, page 169).•Do not affix or mount anything on thewindscreen in front of the laser sensor•Remove ice and snow from the bonnet- snow and ice must not exceed a heightof 5 cm.Fault tracing and actionIf the message Windscreen Sensorsblocked is shown on the instrument panel dis-play, it indicates that the laser sensor isblocked and cannot detect vehicles in front ofthe car. This means that City Safety™ is notoperational.The Windscreen Sensors blocked messageis not shown for all situations in which the lasersensor is blocked. The driver must therefore bediligent about keeping the windscreen andarea in front of the laser sensor clean.The following table presents possible causesfor the message being shown, along with sug-gestions for appropriate action.Cause ActionThe windscreen sur-face in front of thelaser sensor is dirtyor covered with iceor snow.Clean the wind-screen surface infront of the sensorfrom dirt, ice andsnow.The laser sensorfield of vision isblocked.Remove the block-ing object.IMPORTANTIf there are cracks, scratches or stone chipsin the windscreen in front of either of thelaser sensor's "windows" and they cover asurface of approx. 0.5 x 3.0 mm (or larger),then a workshop must be contacted forrepair or replacement of the windscreen(see the illustration for sensor location, page169) - an authorised Volvo workshop is rec-ommended.Failure to take action may result in reducedperformance for City Safety™.To avoid the risk of reducing City Safety™performance the following also applies:•Before replacing a windscreen, contactan authorised Volvo workshop to verifythat the correct windscreen is orderedand fitted. Using the wrong windscreenmay result in the City Safety functionfailing to operate or operating incor-rectly.•The same type or Volvo-approvedwindscreen wipers must be fitted duringreplacement.
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