V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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434page / 8.72MB
04 Driver support Park assist camera*04* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.193Light conditionsThe camera image is adjusted automaticallyaccording to prevailing light conditions.Because of this, the image may vary slightly inbrightness and quality. Poor light conditionscan result in a slightly reduced image quality.NOTEKeep the camera lens clear of dirt, snow andice to ensure optimum function. This is par-ticularly important in poor light.Park assist linesExamples of how the park assist lines can be dis-played for the driver.The lines on the screen are projected as if theywere at ground level behind the car and aredirectly related to steering wheel movement,which shows the driver the path the car willtake, even when turning.NOTE•When reversing with a trailer which isnot connected electrically to the car, thelines on the display show the route thecar will take - not the trailer.•The screen shows no lines when a traileris connected electrically to the car'selectrical system.•The parking camera is deactivatedautomatically when towing a trailer if aVolvo genuine trailer cable is used.IMPORTANTBear in mind that the screen only shows thearea behind the car - pay attention to thesides and front of the car when manoeuvringduring reversing.Boundary linesThe system's lines.Boundary line, 30 cm zone backwardsfrom the carBoundary line, free reversing zone"Wheel tracks"The unbroken line (1) frames in a zone that iswithin about 30 cm from the bumper.The dashed line (2) frames in a zone up toabout 1.5 m back from the bumper. It is alsothe limit of the car's most protruding parts,such as door mirrors and corners - also duringturning.The wide "wheel tracks" (3) between the sidelines indicate where the wheels will roll and canextend about 3.2 m back from the bumper if noobstacle is in the way.
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