V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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01 Safety Airbags0119Warning symbol on the combinedinstrument panelThe warning symbol in the combined instru-ment panel illuminates when the remote con-trol key is in key position II. The symbol clearsafter approx. 6 seconds provided the airbagsystem is fault-free.WARNINGIf the warning symbol for the airbag systemremains illuminated or illuminates while driv-ing, it means that the airbag system doesnot have full functionality. The symbol indi-cates a fault in the seatbelt tensioner sys-tem, SIPS, the IC system or some other faultin the system. Volvo recommends that youcontact an authorised Volvo workshopimmediately.As well as the warning symbol, a message mayappear on the information display in appropri-ate cases. If the warning symbol malfunctions,the warning triangle illuminates and SRSAirbag Service required or SRS AirbagService urgent appears in the display. Volvorecommends that you contact an authorisedVolvo workshop immediately.Airbag systemG018665Airbag system, left-hand drive car.G018666Airbag system, right-hand drive car.The system consists of airbags and sensors. Asufficiently violent collision trips the sensorsand the airbag(s) are inflated and become hot.To cushion the impact, the airbag deflateswhen compressed. When this occurs, smokeescapes into the car. This is completely nor-mal. The entire process, including inflation anddeflation of the airbag, occurs within tenths ofa second.WARNINGVolvo recommends that you contact anauthorised Volvo workshop for repair.Defective work in the airbag system couldcause malfunction and result in serious per-sonal injury.
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