V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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03 Your driving environmentKey positions 0378* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Insert and remove the remote controlkeyIgnition switch with remote control key extracted/inserted.NOTEFor cars with the Keyless* function the keydoes not need to be inserted into the ignitionswitch but can be stored in e.g. a pocket.For more information on Keyless functions -see page 55.Insert the key1. Hold the end of the remote control key withthe detachable key blade and insert the keyin the ignition switch.2. Then press the key in the lock up to its endposition.IMPORTANTForeign objects in the ignition switch mayjeopardise the function or destroy the lock.Do not press the remote control key incor-rectly turned - Hold the end with the detach-able key blade, see page 50.Withdraw the key•Push the remote control key, allow it toeject, then pull it out from the ignitionswitch.Functions at different levelsIn order to enable the use of a limited numberof functions with the engine switched off, thecar's electrical system can be set in 3 differentlevels (key positions) - 0, I and II - with theremote control key. Throughout this owner'smanual these levels are described using thedenomination "key positions".The following table shows the functions avail-able in each key position/level.Level Functions0•Odometer, clock and tem-perature gauge are illumi-nated.•Power seats can be adjusted.•The audio system can beused for a limited time - seepage 236.I•Sunroof, power windows, 12V socket in the passengercompartment, RTI, phone,ventilation fan and wind-screen wipers can be used.II•The headlamps come on.•Warning/indicator lamps illu-minate for 5 seconds.•Several other systems areactivated. However, heatingin seat cushions and the rearwindow can only be activatedafter the engine has beenstarted.This key position consumes alot of current from the starterbattery and should therefore beavoided!
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