V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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03 Your driving environment Gearboxes03125Geartronic does not permit downshifting/kick-down which would result in an engine speedhigh enough to damage the engine. Nothinghappens if the driver still tries to shift down inthis way at high engine speed – the originalgear remains engaged.When kick-down is activated the car canchange one or more gears at a time dependingon engine speed. The car changes up when theengine reaches its maximum speed in order toprevent damage to the engine.Mechanical gear selector inhibitorG021351The gear selector can be moved forward andback freely between N and D. Other positionsare locked with a latch that is released with theinhibitor button on the gear selector.With the inhibitor button depressed the levercan be moved forwards or backwards betweenP, R, N and D.Automatic gear selector inhibitorThe automatic gearbox has special safety sys-tems:Parking position (P)Stationary car with engine running:Keep your foot on the brake pedal when mov-ing the gear selector to another position.Electric gear inhibitor – Shiftlock Parkingposition (P)To be able to move the gear selector from P toother gear positions, the brake pedal must bedepressed and the remote control key must bein position II, see page 78.Shiftlock – Neutral (N)If the gear selector is in N position and the carhas been stationary for at least 3 seconds (irre-spective of whether the engine is running) thenthe gear selector is locked.To be able to move the gear selector from N toother gear positions, the brake pedal must bedepressed and the remote control key must bein position II, see page 78.Deactivate automatic gear selectorinhibitorIf the car cannot be driven, e.g. due to a flatbattery, the gear selector must be moved fromthe P position so that the car can be moved.Lift the rubber mat in the compartmentbehind the centre console and open thehatch.Fully insert the key blade. Press the keyblade down and hold (For information onthe key blade, see page 50.)Move the gear selector from the P position.
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