X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
Opening the timeshift function1. "Radio"2. "Satellite radio"3. "Replay - Time shift"▷The red arrow shows the current playbackposition.▷The time difference to the live broadcast isdisplayed next to the buffer bar.For live transmissions: "live".Timeshift menuSymbol Function Go to the live broadcast Playback/pause Next track Previous track Fast forward Reverse Automatic timeshift deactivated/ac‐tivatedAutomatic timeshiftWhen the function is activated, audio playbackis stopped automatically in the event of:▷Incoming and outgoing telephone calls.▷Activation of the voice activation system.▷Muting.The audio playback then continues with a timedelay.To activate:1. "Radio"2. "Satellite radio"3. "Replay - Time shift"4. "Automatic time shift"To deactivate: "Automatic time shift".Storing favoritesUp to 30 favorites can be stored in the favoriteslist. Available favorites are artist, track, game,league, and team.Storing the artist, track, or gameIt is only possible to store favorites that are cur‐rently being broadcast. The channel informationmust be available.1. "Radio"2. "Satellite radio"3. If necessary, open "All channels" or the de‐sired category.4. Select the desired channel.5. Press the controller again.6. Select the artist, track, or game.Storing the league or teamLeagues or teams can be added to the favoritesfrom a selection list.1. "Radio"2."Satellite radio"3. "Manage favorites"4."Add sports information"5. Select the league.6.Select "Add all teams" or the desired team.Seite 152152Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Radio
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