X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
To clean the rear window, press the lever furtherforward.Fold-out position of the wipersRequired when changing the wiper blades orunder frosty conditions, for example.1. Switch off the ignition.2. Under frosty conditions, ensure that thewiper blades are not frozen onto the wind‐shield.3. Press the wiper lever up beyond the point ofresistance and hold it for approx. 3 seconds,until the wiper remains in a nearly verticalposition.After the wipers are folded back down, the wipersystem must be reactivated.Fold the wipers back downBefore switching the ignition on, fold thewipers back down to the windshield; otherwise,the wipers may become damaged when they areswitched on.◀1. Switch on the ignition.2. Press the wiper levers down. The wipersmove to their resting position and are readyfor operation.Washer fluidGeneral informationAntifreeze for washer fluidAntifreeze is flammable. Therefore, keepit away from sources of ignition.Only keep it in the closed original container andinaccessible to children.Follow the instructions on the container.◀Washer fluid reservoirAdding washer fluidOnly add washer fluid when the engine iscool, and then close the cover completely toavoid contact between the washer fluid and hotengine parts.Otherwise, there is the danger of fire and a riskto personal safety if the fluid is spilled.◀All washer nozzles are supplied from one reser‐voir.Fill with water and – if required – with a washerantifreeze, according to the manufacturer's rec‐ommendations.Mix the washer fluid before adding to maintainthe correct mixing ratio.CapacityApprox. 5.3 US quarts/ 5 litersAutomatic transmission withSteptronic*Transmission positionsD Drive, automatic positionPosition for normal vehicle operation. All for‐ward gears are available.R is ReverseSelect only when the vehicle is stationary.N is NeutralUse in automatic car washes, for example. Thevehicle can roll.When the ignition is switched off, refer topage 58, position P is engaged automatically.P ParkSelect only when the vehicle is stationary. Thedrive wheels are blocked.P is engaged automatically:Seite 6464Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Driving
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