X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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Things to remember when drivingVehicle equipmentAll standard, country-specific and optionalequipment that is offered in the model series isdescribed in this chapter. Therefore, equipmentis also described that is not available in a vehicle,e. g., because of the selected optional equip‐ment or country variant. This also applies forsafety-related functions and systems.Breaking-in periodGeneral informationMoving parts need to be broken in to adjust toeach other.The following instructions will help achieve along vehicle life and good economy.Engine and differentialAlways obey the official speed limit.Up to 1,200 miles/2,000 kmDo not exceed the maximum engine and roadspeed:▷For gasoline engine, 4,500 rpm and100 mph/160 km/h.Avoid full-throttle operation and use of thetransmission's kickdown mode for the initialmiles.From 1,200 miles/2,000 kmThe engine and vehicle speed can gradually beincreased.TiresDue to technical factors associated with theirmanufacture, tires do not achieve their full trac‐tion potential until after an initial breaking-in pe‐riod.Drive conservatively for the first200 miles/300 km.Brake systemBrakes require an initial break-in period of ap‐prox. 300 miles/500 km to achieve optimizedcontact and wear patterns between brake padsand discs. Drive moderately during this break-inperiod.Following part replacementThe same breaking in procedures should be ob‐served if any of the components mentionedabove have to be renewed in the course of thevehicle's operating life.General driving notesClosing the tailgateDrive with the tailgate closedOnly drive with the tailgate closed; other‐wise, in the event of an accident or braking orevasive maneuvers, passengers or other roadusers may be injured or the vehicle may be dam‐aged. In addition, exhaust fumes may enter thepassenger compartment.◀If driving with the tailgate open cannot beavoided:▷Close all windows and the glass sunroof.▷Greatly increase the blower speed.▷Drive moderately.Hot exhaust systemHot exhaust systemHigh temperatures are generated in theexhaust system.Seite 140Driving tips Things to remember when driving140Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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