X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全211ページ 8.62MB]
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Lamp and bulb replacementNotesLamps and bulbsLamps and bulbs make an essential contributionto vehicle safety.The manufacturer of the vehicle recommendsthat you entrust corresponding procedures tothe service center if you are unfamiliar with themor they are not described here.You can obtain a selection of replacement bulbsat the service center.Danger of burnsOnly change bulbs when they are cool;otherwise, there is the danger of gettingburned.◀Working on the lighting systemWhen working on the lighting system, youshould always switch off the lights affected toprevent short circuits.To avoid possible injury or equipment damagewhen replacing bulbs, observe any instructionsprovided by the bulb manufacturer.◀Do not perform work/bulb replacement onxenon headlampsHave any work on the xenon lighting system, in‐cluding bulb replacement, performed only by aservice center. Due to the high voltage presentin the system, there is the danger of fatal injuriesif work is carried out improperly.◀Do not touch the bulbsDo not touch the glass of new bulbs withyour bare hands, as even minute amounts ofcontamination will burn into the bulb's surfaceand reduce its service life.Use a clean tissue, cloth or something similar, orhold the bulb by its base.◀Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)Light-emitting diodes installed behind a coverserve as the light source for controls, display el‐ements and other equipment.These light-emitting diodes, which are relatedto conventional lasers, are officially designatedas Class 1 light-emitting diodes.Do not remove the coversDo not remove the covers, and never stareinto the unfiltered light for several hours; other‐wise, irritation of the retina could result.◀Headlamp glassCondensation can form on the inside of the ex‐ternal lamps in cool or humid weather. Whendriving with the light switched on, the conden‐sation evaporates after a short time. The head‐lamp glasses do not need to be changed.If the headlamps do not dim despite driving withthe light switched on, increasing humidity forms,e. g. water droplets in the light, have the servicecenter check this.Front lamps, bulb replacementAt a glanceHalogen headlamps1 High beams/headlamp flasher2 Parking lamps3 Low beams4 Turn signal/side marker lightSeite 172Mobility Replacing components172Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 903 813 - 07 12 490
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