Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全120ページ 3.82MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 3.82MB
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120page / 3.82MB
Maintenance90OBD interface socket The Onboard Diagnostic OBD interface socket is located on the left of the driver's side under the instrument panel and under a cover.The cover has the letters OBD on it.The purpose of the OBD system is to ensure proper operation of th e emission control sys-tem for the vehicle's lifetime.The system monitors em ission-related compo-nents and systems for deterioration and mal-function.If the Service engine soon indicator lamp comes on either continuously or intermittently, this indicates a fault in the emission-related electronic systems. Although the vehicle remains operational, you should have the systems checked by your BMW center at the ear liest possible opportu-nity.The illuminated indicator informs you of the need for service, not that you need to stop the vehicle. However, the systems should be checked by your BMW cent er at the next oppor-tunity.If the indicator blinks or flashes, this indicates a high level of engine mi sfire. Reduce speed and contact the nearest BMW center immediately. Severe engine misfiring over even a short period of time can seriously damage emission control system componen ts, especially the cat-alytic converter.Indication of the above-described mal-function in Canadian models.If the gas cap is not on tight enough, the OBD system can detect leaking vapor and the indicator will light up. If the gas cap is then tightened, the indi cator will usually go out after a short period of time. <Event Data Recorders Your vehicle may be equi pped with one or more sensing and diagnostic modules or a recording device capable of recording or transmitting cer-tain vehicle data or information. In addition, if you have a Subscription Service Agreement for the BMW Assist system, certain vehicle infor-mation may be transmitted or recorded in order to provide such services.CareInteresting facts about th e care of your vehicle are found in the Caring for your vehicle bro-chure.
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