Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 8.04MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 8.04MB
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254page / 8.04MB
Destination entry128Identical-sounding towns/cities that can-not be distinguished by the system are compiled in a separate list and shown as a town/city followed by three dots. If necessary, select this entry with {Yes}. Then select the desired town/city from that list. <The town/city can also be selected from the list via iDrive: Turn the cont roller until the town/city is selected and press the controller.Entering a street or intersectionThe street or intersection is entered in the same manner as the town/city.Entering a house numberYou can enter house numbers up to 999:Starting destination guidanceDestination guidance starts immediately.Adding further intermediate destinationsFurther intermediate destinations can be added.Storing destinationsThe destination is auto matically added to the list of last destinations.Planning a tripNew tripVarious intermediate destinations can be entered for a trip.1."Navigation"2."Map"3.Move the controller to the left, if necessary.4.Select the symbol.5."Enter new destination"6.Select the type of destination entry and enter the intermed iate destination.Entering further intermediate destinationsA maximum of 30 intermed iate destinations can be entered for one trip.1."Enter new destination"2.Select the type of destination entry and enter the intermed iate destination.3.Select "Add as another dest.".4.Select the location where the intermediate destination is to be inserted.Starting the tripAfter all intermediate de stinations have been entered:"Start guidance"Storing a tripUp to 30 created trips can be stored in the trip list.1.Open "Options".2."Store trip"1.{House number}2.Say the house number.3.{Yes} to confirm the house number.4."Accept destination"{Start guidance}{Add as another destination }
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