Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 8.04MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 8.04MB
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254page / 8.04MB
Destination guidance136Displaying traffic obstructionsWhen the navigation system receives a traffic obstruction message and "Dynamic guidance" is not selected, you will be shown certain infor-mation, such as the length of the traffic conges-tion, when you are approx. 30 miles/50 km away from the traffic obstruction.The last possible detour exit is indicated just before you reach it.This information is disp layed even if you have called up another applic ation on the Control Display.Selecting a detourSelect the symbol: "Detour"."Dynamic guidance" is ac tivated for the current destination guidance.Dynamic route planningWhen "Dynamic guidan ce" is selected, the route will be changed auto matically in the event of a traffic obstruction. The system will not point out traffic obstructions on the original route.Depending on the road type and the kind and extent of the traffic obstruction, the newly calculated route may lead through the traffic obstruction.
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