Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 8.04MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 8.04MB
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254page / 8.04MB
Destination entry1244.Depending on the select ion, select an exist-ing contact from the list or the type of address and enter the last and first name.5."Store in vehicle"Editing or deleting an address1."Navigation"2."Address book"3.Highlight the entry.4.Open "Options".5."Edit in Contacts" or "Delete entry".Using home address as destinationThe home address must be stored as a destina-tion. Refer to Specifying a contact as the home address, page182.1."Navigation"2."Address book"3."Home"4."Start guidance"Last destinationsThe last destinations are stored automatically. These destinations can be called up and used as a destination for destination guidance.Opening the last destinations1."Navigation"2."Last destinations"3.Select the destination.4."Start guidance"Editing a destinationDestinations can be edited, for example, to change the house number of an existing entry.1."Navigation"2."Last destinations"3.Highlight the destination.4.Open "Options".5."Edit destination"Deleting the last destinations1."Navigation"2."Last destinations"3.Highlight the destination.4.Open "Options".5."Delete entry" or "Delete all last destina-tions".Special destinationsYou can search for spec ial destinations, e.g., hotels and places of interest, and start destina-tion guidance to this location.The search can be narrowed by entering the location and type of special destination.The scope of information provided depends on the particular set of naviga-tion data you are using. <
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