Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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Automatic climate control*1 Temperature, left side of passenger com‐partment2 Maximum cooling3 Rear window defroster4 Defrosting windows and removing conden‐sation5 Automatic recirculated air control/recircu‐lated air mode6 Manual air distribution7 AUTO program8 Air flow rate, manual, climate level9 Temperature, right side of passenger com‐partment10 Switching cooling function on/off manuallyComfortable interior climateFor almost all conditions, the AUTO program 7offers the optimum air distribution and air flowrate, refer to AUTO programs below. Select acomfortable interior temperature only.The following sections contain more detailed in‐formation on the available setting options.Most of these settings are stored for the remotecontrol currently in use, Personal Profile set‐tings, refer to page 29 .Air distribution, manualDepending on the selected setting, the air is di‐rected to the windshield, to the upper body area,to the knee area and into the footwell.Adjusting air distribution manuallyPress the button repeatedly untilthe air distribution is set as re‐quired. The corresponding LED lights up.The manual air distribution is also switched onwhen the AUTO program is deactivated.TemperatureSet the desired temperatures indi‐vidually for the driver's and passen‐ger sides.The automatic climate control ach‐ieves this temperature as quickly aspossible regardless of the season, using maxi‐mum cooling or heating power if necessary, andthen maintains it.To give the automatic climate control enoughtime to achieve the set temperature, do notswitch between different temperature settingsin quick succession.Maximum heating power can be obtained withthe highest setting, regardless of the outsidetemperature.The lowest setting effects continuous cooling.Switching the cooling function on andoffThe cooling function cools and de‐humidifies the incoming air beforereheating it as required, accordingto the temperature setting. ThisSeite 9898Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500Climate control
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