Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
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▷It may not be possible to display phone bookentries with special characters.▷The number of phone book entries to bestored is too high.▷Is the data volume of the contact too large,e. g., due to stored information such asnotes? Reduce the data volume of the con‐tact.The phone connection quality is poor.▷The strength of the Bluetooth signal on themobile phone can be adjusted, dependingon the mobile phone.▷Insert the mobile phone into the snap-inadapter or place it in the area of the centerconsole.▷Adjust the volume of the microphone andloudspeakers.If all points in this list have been checked and therequired function is still not available, contactCustomer Relations or the service center.ControlsThe following functions can be operated on theradio:▷Accept/reject a call.▷Dial a phone number.▷Dial a phone number from the phone book.▷Dial a stored phone number, such as fromthe list of accepted calls.▷In conjunction with the full preparation pack‐age mobile phone: BMW Assist, refer topage 145 .When the ignition and the radio ready state areswitched off, such as after the remote control isremoved, an existing call can be continued forup to 25 minutes on the hands-free system.Adjusting the volumeTurn the knob until the desired volume is se‐lected. The setting is stored for the remote con‐trol currently in use.The vehicle automatically adjusts the volume ofthe microphone on the telephone and the vol‐ume of the called party. Depending on the mo‐bile phone, the volumes may need to be ad‐justed. The settings can only be created duringa call and must be adjusted separately for eachtelephone. The settings are deleted when thetelephone is unpaired.Incoming callReceiving callsIf the number of the caller is stored in the phonebook and is transmitted by the network, thename of the contact is displayed. Otherwise,only the phone number is displayed.Accepting a callBriefly press the button on the steeringwheel or radio.or"YES"Rejecting a call"NO"Ending a callBriefly press the button on the steeringwheel or radio.Seite 138Communication Telephone138Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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