ジュリエッタの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 13.06MB]
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SPEEDOMETER (SPEED INDICATOR) This shows the speed of the car. REV COUNTER This indicates the engine rpm. FUEL LEVEL GAUGE This shows the amount of fuel left in the tank.0 - tank empty.1 - tank fullThe warning light in the gauge lights up when there are only 8 to 10litres of fuel remaining in the tank; in the event of this happening,refuel at the earliest opportunity.ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATUREGAUGEThis gauge indicates the temperature of the engine coolant. Thewarning light in the gauge lights up to indicate an increase in coolanttemperature; in the event of this happening, switch off the engineand contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services.WARNING LIGHTS ON PANEL General warningsThe warning lights switch on together with a dedicated messageand/or acoustic signal where appropriate.These indications are concise and precautionary and, as such, mustnot be considered as exhaustive and/or alternative to the informationcontained in this Owner Handbook, which you are recommended toread carefully in all cases.Always refer to the information in this section in the event of a failureindication.Low brake fluid level (red)Turning the key to the MAR position illuminates the warning light, but itshould switch off after a few seconds.The warning light (or symbol on the display) comes on when the levelof the brake fluid in the reservoir falls below the minimum level,possibly due to leaks in the circuit.The display will show the dedicated message.Handbrake on (red) Turning the key to the MAR position illuminates the warning light, but itshould switch off after a few seconds.The warning light (or symbol on the display) switches on when thehandbrake is engaged. If the car is moving the buzzer will also sound.IMPORTANT If the warning light comes on when the vehicle is inmotion, check that the handbrake is not engaged.6GETTING TOKNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING ANDDRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSINDEX