シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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578page / 3.04MB
Stopping and Resuming PlaybackTo stop playing a DVD without turning off the system,press thec button on the remote control, or press thepushbutton located under the stop or the play/pausesymbol tags displayed on the radio. If the radio head issourced to something other than DVD-V, press theDVD/CD AUX button to make DVD-V the active source.To resume DVD playback, press ther /j buttonon the remote control, or press the pushbutton locatedunder the play/pause symbol tag displayed on theradio. The DVD should resume play from where it laststopped if the disc has not been ejected and thestop button has not been pressed twice on the remotecontrol. If the disc has been ejected or the stopbutton has been pressed twice on the remote control,the disc resumes playing at the beginning of the disc.Ejecting a DiscPress the Z button on the radio to eject the disc. If adisc is ejected from the radio, but not removed, the radioreloads the disc after a short period of time. The disc isstored in the radio. The radio does not resume play of thedisc automatically. If the RSA system is sourced to theDVD, the movie when reloaded into the DVD playerbegins to play again. In case loading and reading of aDVD or CD cannot be completed (unknown format, etc.),and the disc fails to eject, press and hold the DVDZbutton more than five seconds to force the disc to eject.DVD Radio Error MessagesPlayer Error:This message displays when there aredisc load or eject problems.Disc Format Error:This message displays, if the discis inserted with the disc label wrong side up, or ifthe disc is damaged.Disc Region Error:This message displays, if the discis not from a correct region.No Disc Inserted:This message displays, if no disc ispresent when theZ or DVD/CD AUX button ispressed on the radio.Using the Auxiliary Input JackThe radio system has an auxiliary input jack located onthe lower right side of the faceplate. This is not anaudio output; do not plug the headphone set into thefront auxiliary input jack. An external audio device suchas an iPod, laptop computer, MP3 player, CD player,or cassette tape player, etc. can be connected tothe auxiliary input jack for use as another audio source.Drivers are encouraged to set up any auxiliary devicewhile the vehicle is in P (Park). See DefensiveDriving on page 4-2for more information on driverdistraction.3-103
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