シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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578page / 3.04MB
{ CAUTION:A young childs hip bones are still so small thatthe vehicles regular safety belt may not remainlow on the hip bones, as it should. Instead, it maysettle up around the childs abdomen. In a crash,the belt would apply force on a body area that isunprotected by any bony structure. This alonecould cause serious or fatal injuries. To reduce therisk of serious or fatal injuries during a crash,young children should always be secured inappropriate child restraints.Child Restraint SystemsA rear-facing infantseat (A) provides restraintwith the seating surfaceagainst the back ofthe infant.The harness system holds the infant in place and, in acrash, acts to keep the infant positioned in the restraint.A forward-facing childseat (B) provides restraintfor the childs body with theharness.1-61
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