シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-49MirrorsElectrochromic Day/Night Rearview Mirrorwith Compass and OnStar(If Equipped)Your vehicle has an automatic -dimming rearview mirrorwith a compass and the OnStar system. This is the on/off button.There are three buttons for the OnStar system. See yourdealer for more information on the system and how tosubscribe to OnStar. See "OnStar System" in the Indexfor more information about the services OnStar provides.Automatic Dimming FeatureWhen turned on, an electrochromic mirror automaticallydims to the proper level to minimize glare from anyheadlamps behind you after dark.The automatic dimming feature is turned on and off bypressing the far left button, located on the lower part ofthe mirror face, for up to three seconds. A light on themirror will be lit when the feature is turned on. It will goout when the feature is turned off.Compass OperationPress the on/off button once to turn the compass on or off.There is a compass display in the window in the upperright corner of the mirror face. The compass displays amaximum of two characters. For example, "NE" isdisplayed for north-east.
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