116付録(b)You must duplicate, to the extent it does not already exist, the notice in Exhib it A in each file ofthe Source Code of all Your Modifications, and cause the modifi ed files to carry prominent noticesstating that You changed the file s and the date of any change; and(c)If You Externally Deploy Your Modifications, You must make S ource Code of all Your ExternallyDeployed Modifications either available to those to whom You ha ve Externally Deployed YourModifications, or publicly available. Source Code of Your Exter nally Deployed Modifications must bereleased under the terms set forth in this License, including t he license grants set forth in Section3 below, for as long as you Externally Deploy the Covered Code or twelve (12) months from thedate of initial External Deployment, whichever is longer. You s hould preferably distribute theSource Code of Your Externally Deployed Modifications electroni cally (e.g. download from a website).2.3 Distribution of Executable Versions. In addition, if You Ex ternally Deploy Covered Code (OriginalCode and/or Modifications) in object code, executable form only , You must include a prominent notice, inthe code itself as well as in related documentation, stating th at Source Code of the Covered Code isavailable under the terms of this License with information on h ow and where to obtain such SourceCode.2.4 Third Party Rights. You expressly acknowledge and agree tha t although Apple and eachContributor grants the licenses to their respective portions of the Covered Code set forth herein, noassurances are provided by Apple or any Contributor that the Co vered Code does not infringe the patentor other intellectual property rights of any other entity. Appl e and each Contributor disclaim any liabilityto You for claims brought by any other entity based on infringe ment of intellectual property rights orotherwise. As a condition to exercising the rights and licenses granted hereunder, You hereby assumesole responsibility to secure any other in tellectual property r ights needed, if any. For example, if a thirdparty patent license is required to allow You to distribute the Covered Code, it is Your responsibility toacquire that license before di stributing the Covered Code.3. Your Grants. In consideration of, and as a condition to, the licenses granted to You under thisLicense, You hereby grant to any person or entity receiving or distributing Covered Code under thisLicense a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable l icense, under Your Applicable Patent Rightsand other intellectual property rights (other than patent) owne d or controlled by You, to use, reproduce,display, perform, modify, sublicense, distribute and Externally Deploy Your Modifications of the samescope and extent as Apple's li censes under Sections 2.1 and 2.2 above.4. Larger Works. You may create a Larger Work by combining Cove red Code with other code notgoverned by the terms of this License and distribute the Larger Work as a single product. In each suchinstance, You must make sure the requirements of this License are fulfilled for the Covered Code or anyportion thereof.5. Limitations on Patent License. Except as expressly stated in Section 2, no other patent rights,express or implied, are granted by Apple herein. Modifications and/or Larger Works may requireadditional patent licenses from A pple which Apple may grant in its sole discretion.6. Additional Terms. You may choose to offer, and to charge a f ee for, warranty, support, indemnity orliability obligations and/or other rights consistent with the scope of the license granted herein("Additional Terms") to one or more recipients of Covered Code. However, You may do so only on Yourown behalf and as Your sole re sponsibility, and not on behalf o f Apple or any Contributor. You mustobtain the recipient's agreement that any such Additional Terms are offered by You alone, and You