資料ソフトウェアのライセンス情報Exhibit C- 日立液晶テレビ L32-C06 フリーソフトウェアモジュールに関するソフトウェア使用許諾契約書原文 ( 英文 )This is a version (aka dlmalloc) of malloc/free/realloc written byDoug Lea and released to the public domain. Use, modify, andredistribute this code without permission or acknowledgementin any way you wish. Send questions, comments, complaints,performance data, etc to dl@cs.oswego.eduVERSION 2.7.2 Sat Aug 17 09:07:30 2002 Doug Lea (dl atgee)Note: There may be an updated version of this mallocobtainable atftp://gee.cs.oswego.edu/pub/misc/malloc.cCheck before installing!YAMON - 日立液晶テレビ L32-C06 フリーソフトウェアモジュールに関するソフトウェア使用許諾契約書原文 ( 英文 )IMPORTANT- This Agreement legally binds you (either anindividual or an entity), the end user ("Licensee"), and MIPSTechnologies, Inc. ("MIPS") whose street address and faxinformation is 1225 Charleston Road, Mountain View, California94043, Fax Number (650) 567-5154.1. DEFINITIONS- The following definitions apply to thisAgreement:"Authorized Product" shall mean a product developed by MIPS orunder a license that was granted by MIPS.料資"Documentation" shall mean documents (including any updatesprovided or made available by MIPS solely at its discretion), andany information, whether in written, magnetic media, electronicor other format, provided to Licensee describing the Software, itsoperation and matters relating to its use."GPL Materials" shall mean any source or object code providedby MIPS to Licensee under the terms of the GNU General PublicLicense, Version 2, June 1991 or later ("GNU GPL")."IP Rights" shall mean intellectual property rights including, but notlimited to, patent, copyright, trade secret and mask work rights."Licensee Code Modifications" shall mean any modifications toYAMON Code and/or other code provided to Licensee by MIPS,made by or on behalf of Licensee."MIPS Code Modifications" shall mean modifications to YAMONCode and/or other code provided to Licensee by MIPS or any thirdparty licensed by MIPS, wherein such third party grants back toMIPS a license under such code modifications with the rights tosublicense and grant further sublicenses."MIPS Deliverables" shall mean the Software, Documentation andany other information or materials provided by MIPS to Licenseepursuant to this Agreement except for GPL Materials.つづき(i) use the MIPS Deliverables at Licensee's facilities solely forLicensee's internal evaluation and development purposes (and touse, copy and reproduce and have reproduced Documentationsolely to facilitate those uses of MIPS Deliverables that areallowed hereunder), and to sublicense Licensee's rights granted inthis Subsection 2(a)(i) to Licensee's consultants for their use of theMIPS Deliverables at their facilities for their internal evaluation anddevelopment purposes;(ii) make, use, import, copy, reproduce, have reproduced, modify,create derivative works from YAMON Code only in conjunction withmaking, using, importing, offering for sale and selling or otherwisedistributing Authorized Product and only for use exclusively withsuch Authorized Product, and to sublicense its rights grantedin this Subsection 2(a)(ii), including the right to grant furthersublicenses, provided that with respect to any sublicensee, (A)DQ\ ,3 5LJKWV DULVLQJ LQ DQ\ PRGL¿FDWLRQ RU GHULYDWLYH ZRUN FUHDWHGby such sublicensee shall be licensed back to MIPS togetherwith the right by MIPS to sublicense such rights and grant furthersublicenses, and (B) the obligations of Subsection 2(c) below shallapply equally to any YAMON Code modified and/or sublicensedby such sublicensee. These obligations shall be deemed to haveEHHQ VDWLV¿HG E\ /LFHQVHHV GHOLYHU\ RI D FRS\ RI WKLV $JUHHPHQWto its sublicensee(s).(b) MIPS further grants to Licensee a non-exclusive, worldwide,non-transferable, royalty-free, fully-paid limited right and licenseunder MIPS' IP Rights in any MIPS Code Modifications inexistence now or at any time during the term of this Agreement(including those IP Rights assigned to MIPS or licensed to MIPSZLWK VXI¿FLHQW VXEOLFHQVLQJ ULJKWV WR VDWLVI\ WKH OLFHQVH JUDQW LQ WKLVSubsection 2(b)) to the limited extent that Licensee may make, useDQG LPSRUW VXFK 0,36 &RGH 0RGL¿FDWLRQV RQO\ LQ FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWKmaking, using, importing, offering for sale and selling or otherwisedistributing Authorized Product and only for use exclusively withsuch Authorized Product, and sublicense its rights granted in thisSubsection 2(b), including the right to grant further sublicensesunder the preconditions set forth in Subsection 2(a)(ii) above.Licensee acknowledges and agrees that MIPS (or any third party)LV XQGHU QR REOLJDWLRQ WR GHOLYHU 0,36 &RGH 0RGL¿FDWLRQV UDWKHUthis license right is intended solely to provide a freedom to usesuch modifications when created independently by Licensee orany sublicensee thereof.(c) Any YAMON Code modified and/or sublicensed pursuant tothis Agreement must (i) contain all copyright and other noticescontained in the original YAMON Code provided by MIPS toLicensee, (ii) cause modified files to carry prominent noticesVWDWLQJ WKDW /LFHQVHH RU DQ\ VXEOLFHQVHH FKDQJHG WKH ¿OHV DQGthe date of any change, and (iii) be sublicensed under terms thatdisclaim all warranties from MIPS and limit all liability of MIPSpursuant to Sections 8, 9, 11 and 12 herein.(d) All other rights to the MIPS Deliverables not stated in thisSection 2 are reserved to MIPS. Except as set out in this Section2, Licensee shall not rent, lease, sell, sublicense, assign, loan, orotherwise transfer or convey the MIPS Deliverables to any thirdparty. These license grants are effective as of the Effective Date.No license is granted for any other purpose."Software" shall mean software containing YAMON Code, anyother source and/or object code provided by MIPS at its solediscretion, and any Documentation contained in such software atMIPS' sole discretion.(e) To the extent MIPS provides any GPL Materials to Licensee,use of such materials shall, notwithstanding any provision of thisAgreement to the contrary, be governed by the GNU GPL."YAMON Code" shall mean source and/or object code for theYAMON monitor software, Ver. 1.01, or later (including any updatesprovided or made available by MIPS solely at its discretion).In partial consideration for the rights and licenses granted underSection 2 herein, Licensee agrees to grant and does herebygrant to MIPS a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive worldwide,royalty-free, fully-paid limited right and license under Licensee'sIP Rights in any Licensee Code Modifications (including thoseIP Rights assigned to Licensee or licensed to Licensee withsufficient sublicensing right to satisfy the license grant in thisSection 3) to the extent that MIPS may make, use and importsuch Licensee Code Modifications only in conjunction with2. MIPS LICENSE GRANTS(a) Subject to Licensee's compliance with the terms and conditionsof this Agreement and payment of any fees owed to MIPS, MIPSgrants to Licensee a non-exclusive, worldwide, non-transferable,royalty-free, fully-paid limited right and license to:1203. LICENSEE CODE MODIFICATIONS