Inspire T10

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• Connectivity Diagram • Schéma de connexion • Diagramm zur conectividad • Diagramm zur conectividade • Bağlantı Diyagramı • 追蘇ろ補炉 • 接続図 • 侵志帆儔某English EN Français FR Português do Brasil BPTürkçeTR 桀稍―◇ CT 日本語 JP 窄墓奩滅 CSRight SpeakerLeft SpeakerTo Analog Audio SourceVolume Control withPower on/off SwitchHaut-parleur droitHaut-parleur gaucheVers la source audio analogiqueContrôle du volumeavec interrupteur on/off12Tone Control Contrôle De La TonalitéEspañolESAltavoz derechoAltavoz izquierdoFuente de sonido analógicaControl de volumen coninterruptor de encendidoControl De Tono4Power Supply Adapter(Types of adapter may varyin different countries)Adaptateur d'alimentation(Le modèle peut varier selon le pays)Vers la prise mural(Déconnectez le système si vous n’avez pasl’intention de l’utiliser pendant plusieurs jours)Adaptador de alimentación (los tipos de adaptadorespueden variar según el país)A la toma de corriente(desconéctelo cuando no se vaya autilizar durante varios días)573Français FREnglish ENSpecificationsCreative Inspire T10Power outputSatellite speaker:5 watts RMS per channelSignal-to-Noise Ratio:80dBFrequency Response:80Hz - 20kHz This product operates from the supplied11.5V AC 1.6A power adapter or from an integrated power supply.SpécificationsCreative Inspire T10Sortie de I'alimentationHaut-parleur satellite:5 watts RMS par canalRapport signal/bruit:80dBRéponse en fréquence:80Hz - 20kHz Ce produit fonctionne avec l’adaptateur d’alimentation fourni de 11.5 V ca / 1.6 A, ou à partir d’une source d’alimentation intégrée.EspecificacionesCreative Inspire T10Salida de alimentaciónAltavoz auxiliar:5 vatios de carga eficaz por canalRelación de señal a ruido:80dBRespuesta de frecuencias:80Hz a 20kHzEste producto funciona con el adaptador de alimentación de ca de 11.5 V y 1.6 A suministrado o con la fuente de alimentación integrada.EspañolESEspecificaçõesCreative Inspire T10Saída de alimentaçãoAlto-falante:RMS de 5 watts por canalRelação sinal/ruído:80dBResposta de freqüência:80Hz a 20kHzEste produto funciona com um adaptador de alimentação fornecido de 11.5 V AC de 1.6A, ou com uma fonte de alimentação integrada.Português do BrasilBPÖzelliklerCreative Inspire T10Ses çıkışıUydu hoparlör:Kanal başına 5 W RMSSinyal-Gürültü Oranı:80 dBFrekans Yanıtı:80 Hz ~ 20 kHzBu ürün 11.5V AC 1.6A güç adaptörü veya entegre güç kaynağından gelen güçle çalışır.TürkçeTR牒樹Creative Inspire T100多拌†朞沛定U:鋭楜履 5 ぼ" RMS詔廾↑ :80dB搶多皴數 :80Hz ~ 20kHzz楕銀ざ競隻疑 11.5V AC 1.6A 齋攣弃樺却忝ォ李芳俺李¢桀稍―◇CT仕様Creative Inspire T10出力サテライトスピーカー:5W RMS/チャンネルSNR(SN比):80dB周波数特性:80Hz ~ 20kHz この製品は付属の11.5V AC電源アダプター(1.6A)、または内蔵電源ユニットで駆動します。日本語JP潔喰Creative Inspire T10札  梗週靼  :疎莫鈎 5魔 RMS革田訒:80dB  箭棗:80Hz ~ 20kHz麝扱撰 罕蠖駕 "11.5V AC 1.6A "渉春殿Ο縻歲 縟  駕  窄墓奩滅CSSafety & Regulatory InformationThe following sections contain notices for various countries: CautionThis product is intended for use with FCC/CE certified computer equipment. Please check the equipment operating/installation manual and/or with the equipment manufacturer to verify/confirm if your equipment is suitable prior to the installation or use of the product. Notice for USAFCC Part 15: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.CautionTo comply with the limits of the Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules, this device must be installed with computer equipment certified to comply with Class B limits.All cables used to connect to the computer and peripherals must be shielded and grounded. Operation with non-certified computers or non-shielded cables may results in interference to radio or television reception.ModificationAny changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user’s authority to operate the device.State of California Proposition 65:WARNING: Handling the cord(s) on this product may expose you to lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash your hands after handling.Notice for CanadaThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.Canadian Class B StatementThis digital device does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the interference-causing equipment standard entitled "Digital Apparatus," ICES-003 of the Department of Communications.Cet appareil numerique respecte les limites de bruits radioelectriques applicables aux appareils numeriques de Classe B prescrites dans la norme sur le materiel brouilleur: "Appareils Numeriques," NMB-003 edictee par le ministre des Communications.MODIFICATION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user's authority to operate the device. Toute modification non approuvée explicitement par le fournisseur de licence de l'appareil peut entraîner l'annulation du droit de l'utilisateur à utiliser l'appareil.Safety And Regulatory InformationJuly© 2007. Creative Technology Ltd. All rights reserved. The Creative logo and Creative Inspire are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Creative Technology Ltd. in the United States and other countries. All other logos, brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby recognised as such. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Use of this product is subject to a limited warranty. Actual contents may differ slightly from those pictured.P/N 03MF160000000 Rev. AINSPIRE(R) T10Quick Start Guide ENDémarrage Rapide FRIntrodução rápida BPHızlı Başlangıç KılavuzuTRGuía RápidaES畏凋 京撃斤 CTクイックスタートガイド JP緒府臭反壻岱CSObject And Liquid Entry Never push any object through the openings, as this can result in a fire, electric shock ordamage. Do not spill liquids onthe product.Objets et liquide dans l’appareilN’insérez jamais d’objets dans le produit autravers des ouvertures afin d’éviter toutrisque d’incendie, d’électrocution ou d’endommagement. Ne renversez aucunliquide sur le produit.Introducción de objetos ylíquidos Nunca introduzca un objeto deninguna clase a través de lasranuras del producto, ya que estopuede ocasionar incendios ocortocircuitos. No vierta líquidoalguno en el producto .Alto-falante direitoAlto-falante esquerdoFonte de áudio analógicoControle De Volume ComChave De Liga/DesligaControle De TomAdaptador de Fonte de Alimentação(Os tipos de adaptador podemvariar em diferentes países)Para Tomada Elétrica(Desconectar quando não estiverem uso por vários dias)Inserção De Objetos E LíqüidosJamais coloque objetos pelos orifício,pois isso pode causar incêndio, choqueelétrico ou estragos. Não derramelíquidos no produto.Sağ HoparlörSol HoparlörAnalog Ses KaynaklarınaGüç Açık/Kapalı DüğmesiyleSes Yüksekliği DenetimiTon DenetimiGüç kaynağı adaptörü(Adaptör tipinin ülkelere görefarklılık göstermesi mümkündür)Duvar çıkışı(Birkaç gün kullanılmayacakise bağlantıyı kesin)Nesne ve Sıvı GirişiAsla ürün üzerinde bulunanboşluklardan içeri herhangi bir nesne sokmayın; bu yangın, elektrik çarpması ya da hasara neden oladilir. Ürünün üzerinesıvı dökmeyin.諾宮蛙村竦語 ̄倍憐ー酷井べυ体軌碩膝 段慣 定U―,е粁D嘗穂甃∞珂ゑ掾李攣疑挑ぼ樺牡寡}へ膿与.倍憐ー酷清べυ綜稍殘妄珂定U ¢異物および液体の侵入部品のショートによる火災や感電をおこす危険性がある為、本製品の開口部から異物を挿入しないようにして下さい。本製品には、いかなる液体もこぼさないようにして下さい。役墓湖俶墓寺南需閑鮎貸ム苫狐役墓花臭楯鴬吉南冂裸奩 渠啾縮貸剛襖些垣遣巳謡滑麓廓安休黒坏伴貞安撮艦精 需閑鮎貸皿苫狐俶墓皐仙垣冂裸拝 x楜履展きせ楜履展きП璢2榊睦浅良睦不珈給榊蛭租魁忿榊嶌租魁窿晏忿(ーァ髄伺, 齋攣弃犧駒D嘗ーァ)П柆怱洞汐(享鹿肘ーこ鹿寤瓦 李芳嶋搗)サテライトスピーカー (右)サテライトスピーカー (左)オーディオ (アナログ )出カヘ接続電源ボリュームコントロールON/OFFスイッチトーンコントロール電源アダプター(付属の電源アダプター以外は使用しないで下さい)コンセントヘ接続(数日間使用しない時はコンセントを抜いて下さい)劬銘諒冂裸崔銘諒冂裸志夬側代冂吭懐辨滑吭臭頚廓冂紳循竒冂噛循竒и麓艇*ュ蒸肉垤$渉春殿 繁詔 ュ蒸+夬点Я域嵒* 隸 ュ  艚ャ  蠢愈+To Wall Outlet(Disconnect when not in usefor several days)6173246[[ • Optional (sold separately) • Facultatif (vendu séparément) • Opcional (se vende por separado) • Opcional (vendido separadamen te) • İsteğe Bağlı(ayrı olarak satlır) • 挌楪錠へ (Oη楪匪) • オプション (別売) •   烏*紹  а+65TONE71



  • 1 .
    • Connectivity Diagram • ...
    • Connectivity Diagram • Schéma de connexion • Diagramm zur conectividad • Diagramm zur conectividade • Bağlantı Diyagramı • 追蘇ろ補炉 • 接続図 • 侵志帆儔某English EN Français FR Português do Brasil BPTürkçeTR 桀稍―◇ CT 日本語 JP 窄墓奩滅 CSRight SpeakerLeft SpeakerTo Analog ...