MENTOR MENUETの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全34ページ 2.24MB]
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128.0 POWER AND ACOUSTIC PRESSUREHow loud a speaker is able to play and still sound good is completely dependent on the signal it has to reproduce. So, in practice, you cannot deine an unequivocal level for use in comparing different speakers. Obviously, lots of pure, undistorted output from a large ampliier is better than a distorted signal from a small ampliier stretched beyond its capacity. the signal from a distorting (clipping) ampliier contains much more high-frequency information than an undistorted signal, and therefore puts a heavy strain on the tweeter. consequently, speakers are often damaged by small ampliiers, having to work too hard - and very rarely by large ampliiers, which are practically running idle. It is worth noting that when the tone controls are turned above the neutral setting this signiicantly burdens both speakers and ampliier. On a good sound system tone controls should only be used to compensate for poor recordings and not to permanently compensate for weaknesses elsewhere in the system. So, DALI recommends that the tone controls generally be set to the neutral position, and you achieve your desired sound image through correct positioning of the speakers. Ensuring that you keep the volume low enough so the sound remains clear and undistorted will minimise the strain on both speakers and ampliier.All DALI loudspeakers are designed with linear impedance to be an optimal ampliier load. the result is signiicantly more open and detailed sonic image.9.0 MENTOR SUB DALI MENtOR SuB has a built-in power ampliier and an active crossover. Both the amount and quality of the deep bass depend on the size and shape of the room, and the position of the subwoofer(s) and main speakers. If positioned near a side or back wall, the bass will be accentuated. A corner location will accentuate it even more. Experiment with different positions to ind which provides the ideal sound for you. the airlow from the DALI MENtOR SuB is radiated from the bottom of the cabinet. to ensure, that this airlow is not blocked, thus negatively affecting the bass performance, we recommend placing the subwoofer with minimum 5 cm (2”) of clearance on all sides.MENtOR SuB comes with a handy remote control (see igure 12). On the rear side of the subwoofer you will ind the ampliier (see igure 11), which has the following features: Ampliier back plate (igure 11)1,2) Phase, frequency and volume adjustment Press the relevant button and adjust to the desired value using the ‘+’ and ‘-’ buttons. FREQuENcY RANGE: 40 - 120 Hz VOLuME RANGE: 0 - 30 dB PHASE SELEctIONS: 0°, 90°, 180° or 270°