Tri(R)TRV A88SETABLE OF CONTENTSThank you 2Diagram 3 General Instructions 4Specifications 4Opening the Package 4Connections 5Operation 5Warning 5Warranty...
Tri(R)TRV A88SETHANK YOU!Thank you for selecting TRV-A88SE as the heart of you Audio System. TRV-A88SE is one of the high-end, well engineered, and affordable audioproducts of Triode Corporation Japan. Our designers and craftsmen areproud to share th...
Tri(R)TRV A88SETr iDiagra m 1. TRV-A88 f ront panel Power switc h Volume Power indicator Input selector Diagram 2. TRV-A88 b ac k p late Input jack L channel output R chann el ou tpu t Power so cket...
I GE NERAL INSTRU CT IONS• Two KT- 88 s are us ed for class A S. E am pli fication . • The toroi d power tra nsformer and EI audio output transformer are specially manuf actured for TR I TRV-A88 by applyi ng our un ique wo rkman ship, whic...
IV CONNECTION• Sel ect th e suitable output im pedance for your sp eaker and connect the amplifier to the spea ker with spe cializ ed soun d cable, do n't con fuse L wi th R . • Conn ect th e am pli fier to you r sound sour ce, don 't...
VIII TROUB LESH OOTING Basic tro ubles hooti ng of an amplifier is similar to the trou bleshooting of any other lectrical or electro nic equipment. Always check the most obvious possible causes first. To give you a few ideas of...