TRV-88SEの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全8ページ 3.40MB]
gizport - 2013-08-21 - 3.40MB
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I GE NERAL INSTRU CT IONS• Two KT- 88 s are us ed for class A S. E am pli fication . • The toroi d power tra nsformer and EI audio output transformer are specially manuf actured for TR I TRV-A88 by applyi ng our un ique wo rkman ship, which ha s low magn etic leakag e, wide fre quency response and low imped ance. • Two 12 AX7s are us ed in the pre ampli fier. • All-vacu um tub e design, all hand-made.II SPECIFICATIONSPOW ER OUTPUT 2X 8W (RMS, 8oh m) FREQUENCY R ESPONSE 10 Hz - 5 0Kh z THD 0.3%S/N RATIO 85dB INPUT IMPEDANCE 250ko hm OUTPU T IMPE DAN CE 6 - 8 o hm INPUT SE NSITIVITY 600mVPOW ER REQUI REME NTS ~100V/110V /120V, 50 /60 Hz WEIGHT 11. 5 KgDIMENS ION (mm) W230 x H175 x D390 POW ER CONSU MPTI ON 100W III OPENING THE PACKAGE Ple ase ch eck the carton caref ully whet her there are any dama ges before you open it. Put it on a flat surface wit h th e arrow upward. Rip away the sealed tap e and ope n the carton , th en you 'll find: • An am plifier of TRI TRV- A88 • An operat ion manua l • A warranty card • A pow er supply cord • Two fuses Note : Ple ase fill out your wa rra nty car d in time, an d hand it in to you r de aler or send it to the sales depart men t of ou r company to ensur e th e aft er-sal es service. Take out the am plifi er caref ully , watc h th e fro nt pa nel an d rea d the diagr am 1. Note : Be sure to use at rate d volt age. Please ch eck whether the rat ed voltage mark ed on the back plat e correspon ds to your lin e voltage. If not, ple ase cont act your dea ler. Sugges tion: Ple ase kee p the carton a nd the ot her wrappin gs well, p erh aps you'll use them when move th e am plifier.Tri(R)TRV A88SE4