MA6900の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全24ページ 9.57MB]
gizport - 2013-09-16 - 9.57MB
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24page / 9.57MB
11How to Connect for a Second RoomHow to Connect for a Second Room1. Connect Audio Cables from the MA6900 OUTPUTS 2to the Second Power Amplifier Inputs.2. Connect Hookup Cables from the Second Power Am-plifier to the loudspeakers. Refer to page 8 in thisOwner's Manual for connection details.3. Connect a Control Cable from the MA6900 POWERCONTROL 2 Jack to the Power Control In of a McIn-tosh Power Amplifier.4. Connect an RG6 or RG59U coaxial cable from theEXTernal SENSOR Jack to a Keypad.Note: A Wall Mounted IR Sensor may also be used in placeof the keypad.RightLoudspeaker4 ohmLeftLoudspeaker4 ohmMcIntosh Power Amplifier Keypad