MA6900の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全24ページ 9.57MB]
gizport - 2013-09-16 - 9.57MB
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24page / 9.57MB
12Front Panel Controls, Push-Buttons and SwitchPOWERswitch turnsall AC powercompletelyON or OFFMONO push-buttoncombines the left andright channel signals forMono operationVOLUME controlallows adjustment ofthe listening level forboth channelsThe BALANCE controlallows adjustment ofthe relative volume bal-ance between channelsMUTE push-buttonmutes the listeningaudioSTANDBY/ONpush-button turnsthe MA6900 ON,or OFF (Standby)IR Sensorreceivescommandsfrom a re-mote con-trolHEADPHONES jackallows connection ofStereo Headphones forprivate listeningMETER indicates theLeft Channel PowerOutput of the amplifierPOWER GUARDLEDs light when theamplifier's channelPOWER GUARDcircuit activatesMETER indicates theRight Channel PowerOutput of the amplifierLOUDNESSprovides fre-quency re-sponse con-toured to com-pensate for thebehavior of thehuman ear atsofter listeninglevelsOUTPUTS 1and 2 push-buttons turn theSpeakers andPreamplifierOutputs On orOffSelect any oneof the six Audiosignal sourcesEqualizer provides12dB of boost or cutat the center frequen-cies indicated aboveeach control