MA6900の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全24ページ 9.57MB]
gizport - 2013-09-16 - 9.57MB
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4Performance FeaturesIntroduction and Performance FeaturesIntroduction•Power OutputThe MA6900 consists of two separate power amplifierchannels, each capable of 200 watts into 2, 4 or 8 ohmspeakers with less than 0.005% distortion.•Electronic Input SwitchingDigital Logic integrated circuits drive ElectromagneticSwitches on all six inputs and operating functions for reli-able, noiseless, distortion free switching.•Power GuardBoth channels include the patented McIntosh Power Guardcircuit that prevents the amplifier from being overdriveninto clipping, with its harsh distorted sound that can alsodamage your valuable loudspeakers.•Sentry Monitor and Thermal ProtectionMcIntosh Sentry Monitor power output stage protectioncircuits ensure the MA6900 will have a long and troublefree operating life. Built-in Thermal Protection Circuitsguard against overheating.•Patented AutoformersMcIntosh designed and manufactured Output Autoformersprovide an ideal match between the amplifier output stagesand speaker loads of 2, 4 and 8 ohms. The Autoformersalso provide perfect DC protection for your valuable loud-speakers.•Illuminated Power MetersThe Illuminated Power Output Meters on the MA6900 arepeak responding, and indicate the power output of the am-plifier.Now you can take advantage of traditional McIntosh stan-dards of excellence in the MA6900 Integrated Amplifier.Two 200 watt high current output channels will drive anyhigh quality loudspeaker system to its ultimate perfor-mance and the flexible Preamplifier Selection provides forhookup and control of various input sources. The MA6900reproduction is sonically transparent and absolutely accu-rate. The McIntosh Sound is "The Sound of the Music It-self."Important Information1. The following parts are available from the McIntosh PartsDepartment:Power Control Cable Part No. 170-202Six foot, 2 conductor shielded, with two 1/8 inch stereomini phone plugs.Jumper Plugs Part No. 117-781RCA Phono Jumpers, 14mm center spacing.2. For additional connection information, refer to the owner'smanual(s) for any component(s) connected to the MA6900.3. The MA6900 mutes the speaker outputs for approximately twoseconds when first turned on.4. It is very important that loudspeaker cables of adequate sizebe used, so that there will be no power loss. The size isspecified in Gauge Numbers or AWG (American Wire Gauge).The smaller the Gauge number, the larger the wire size:If your loudspeaker cables are 50 feet (38.1m) or less,use at least 14 Gauge.If your loudspeaker cables are 100 feet (76.2m) or less,use at least 12 Gauge.5. In the event that the MA6900 over heats, due to improperventilation and/or high ambient temperature, the protectioncircuits will activate. The Front Panel Power Guard LEDswill continuously indicate ON and the audio will be muted.When the MA6900 has returned to a safe operatingtemperature, normal operation will resume.XLR ConnectorsBelow is the Pin configuration for the XLR Balanced InputConnectors on the MA6900. Refer to the diagram for con-nection:PIN 1: Shield/GroundPIN 2: + InputPIN 3: - InputPower Control and Trigger ConnectorsThe MA6900's Power Control Outputs provide a 5 voltsignal. Use a 1/8 inch stereo miniphone plug to connect to thePower Control Input on otherMcIntosh Components.Data Port ConnectorThe MA6900's Data Port Output provides Remote ControlSignals. Use a 1/8 inch stereomini phone plug to connect to theData Port Inputs on McIntoshSource Units.Connector InformationPositiveN/C GroundData SignalN/CGroundPin 1Pin 2Pin 3