MA6900の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全24ページ 9.57MB]
gizport - 2013-09-16 - 9.57MB
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24page / 9.57MB
6InstallationThe MA6900 can be placed upright on a table or shelf,standing on its four feet. It also can be custom installed in apiece of furniture or cabinet of your choice. The four feetmay be removed from the bottom of the MA6900 when itis custom installed as outlined below. The four feet to-gether with the mounting screws should be retained forpossible future use if the MA6900 is removed from thecustom installation and used free standing. The requiredpanel cutout, ventilation cutout and unit dimensions areshown.Always provideadequate ventilationfor your MA6900.Cool operation en-sures the longestpossible operatinglife for any elec-tronic instrument. Donot install theMA6900 directlyabove a heat generat-ing component suchas a high poweredamplifier. If all thecomponents are in-stalled in a singlecabinet, a quiet run-ning ventilation fancan be a definite as-set in maintaining allthe system compo-nents at the coolestpossible operatingtemperature.A custom cabinetinstallation shouldprovide the follow-ing minimum spac-ing dimensions forcool operation. Al-low at least 6 inches(15.24cm) above thetop, 2 inches(3.81cm) below thebottom and 1 inchInstallation 6 - 5/8 "16.83cm17- 1/16 "43.34cmCutout Opening for Custom MountingMA6900 Front Panel Custom Cabinet CutoutCutoutOpeningforVentilationCutout Opening for VentilationSupportShelfCabinetFrontPanelChassisSpacersMA6900 Side Viewin Custom CabinetMA6900 Bottom Viewin Custom Cabinet 14- 1/2 " 36.83cm 1" 2.54cm 6"15.24cmOpeningfor Ventilation 10- 3/8 " 26.35cm 13" 33.02cm 13" 33.02cm 14- 1/8 " 35.88cm 2" 5.08cm(2.54cm) on each side of the amplifier, so that airflow isnot obstructed. Allow 20 inches (50.8cm) depth behind thefront panel. Allow 1 inch (2.54cm) in front of the mountingpanel for knob clearance. Be sure to cut out a ventilationhole in the mounting shelf according to the dimensions inthe drawing.