MA6900の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全24ページ 9.57MB]
gizport - 2013-09-16 - 9.57MB
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24page / 9.57MB
7MA6900 Rear Panel Connections and SwitchMain Fuse holder,refer to informationon the back panelof your MA6900 todetermine the cor-rect fuse size andratingRight OUTPUTConnections for2, 4 or 8 ohmloudspeakersLeft OUTPUTConnections for2, 4 or 8 ohmloudspeakersThe EXT(external)SENSOR(s)for a Keypador IR SensorTAPE inputaccepts signalsfrom the out-put of a tapedeckGND terminalaccepts aground wirefrom a turn-tableVIDEO inputsfor audio signalsfrom a LV, VCR,TV or an A/VSelectorPOWER CONTROLMAIN Output sendsa turn-on signal to anexternal McIntoshPower Amplifierwhen the MA6900 isturned onPOWER CONTROL 1 and 2Outputs send a turn-on signalto an external McIntoshPower Amplifier when theMA6900 Front Panel Output1 and/or 2 is OnPOWER CONTROLACC Output sends aturn-on signal to aMcIntosh SourceComponent or PowerControl unit when theMA6900 is turned onDATA PORTS sendsignals to McIntoshCompatible Compo-nents to allow controlwith the remote con-trolConnect theMA6900 powercord to a live ACoutlet. Refer to in-formation on theback panel to deter-mine the correctvoltageCD1 balanced INPUTSaccept high level programsource signalsOUTPUTS 1and 2 supplythe PreamplifierOutput to eitherthe internal orexternal poweramplifierPOWER AMP INinputs accept sig-nals from a sepa-rate externalpreamplifierJUMPER PLUGSconnect the Pream-plifier OUTPUT 1Jacks to the POWERAMP IN Jacks andare needed for nor-mal operationTAPE OUTPUTSprovide the RecordOut SignalAUX accepts high level programsource signals, PH accepts signalsfrom a Moving Magnet phono car-tridge, and the small slide switchselects which one of these two in-puts is active when the front panelPH/AUX Push-button is pressedTUNER andCD2 inputs ac-cept signalsfrom the outputof a tuner andCD player