MA6900の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全24ページ 9.57MB]
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8How to Connect LoudspeakersCaution: The supplied AC Power Cord should not beconnected to the Rear Panel of the MA6900Amplifier until after the Loudspeaker Connectionshave been made. Failure to observe this couldresult in Electric Shock.1. Prepare the Loudspeaker Hookup Cables that attach tothe Amplifier by choosing one of the methods below:Bare wire cable ends:Carefully remove sufficient insulation from the cableends, refer to figures 1, 2 & 3. If the cable is stranded,carefully twistthe strands to-gether as tightlyas possible.Note: If desired,the twistedends can be tinned with solder to keep the strandstogether, or attach spade lug and/or bananaconnector.Spade lug or prepared wire connection:Insert the spade lug connector or prepared section ofthe cable end into the terminal side access hole, andtighten the terminal cap until the cable is firmlyclamped into the terminal so the wires cannot slip out.Refer to figures 4, 5 & 6.Banana plug connection:Insert the banana plug into the hole at the top of theterminal.Note: Banana Plugs are for use in the United States andCanada only.2. Connect the loudspeaker hookup cables to the outputterminals that match the impedance of your loudspeak-ers, being careful to observe the correct polarities. Out-put impedance connections of 2 ohms, 4 ohms and 8ohms are provided. If the impedance of your loud-speakers is in-between the available connections, usethe nearest lower impedance connection.WARNING: Loudspeaker terminals are hazardous liveand present a risk of electric shock. Foradditional instruction on makingLoudspeaker Connections contact yourMcIntosh Dealer or McIntosh TechnicalSupport.RightLoudspeaker4 ohmLeftLoudspeaker4 ohmHow to Connect Loudspeakers