Bronze BR2の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全17ページ 0.55MB]
gizport - 2013-10-03 - 0.55MB
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Connecting your Bronze BR-FX The Bronze BR-FX’s are supplied as right hand and left hand units and both can be configured to either bi-pole or di -pole. The factory setting is bi-pole as illustrated in fig. 1 below. In bi-pole mode, all speaker units (mid/b ass unit and tweeters) are in phase. This feature is for when the BR-FX is set up as a rear/surround speaker in a typical 5.1 channel system. In di-pole mo de, one of the HF units (tweeter) is out of phase with the other tweeter and mid/ba ss unit. It is best to implement this configuration when using the BR-FX as pa rt of a 7.1 channel system, with the BR-FX’s taking up positions on the sidewalls. Please note that the BR-FX’s are left and right handed specific. This is not an issue when used in bi-pole mode as a rear surround speaker. It is essential that they are positioned correctly if used in a 7.1 channel system. Bi-Pole Mode Fig. 1 Di-Pole ModeFig. 2Before changing your BR-FX’s from bi-pol e mode to di-pole mode, please ensure that the speaker wires are disconnected fr om your loudspeakers. This helps to protect your amplifier. To change from bi-pole, to di-pole mode, the toggle switch on the crossover panel needs to be moved from its factor y set position (fig. 1) to the di-pole position (fig. 2). 12 Rev4. (C) Monitor Audio 2006
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