ROCCAT Kaveの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全10ページ 1.40MB]
ROCCAT-Kave_Manual_EN.pdf - 1.40MB
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WWW.ROCCAT.ORG / SUPPORTThe headset uses the soundcard’s presets, which means that the computer’s audio settings don’t need to be adjusted again. You can, however, adjust the sound and volume of all four speakers and the subwoofer to suit your preferences using the desktop remote. When you open the cover of the remote, you’ll ind a set of slider controls. OPERATIONGame vs. MovieTwo options are available to you which control how the headset sound is mixed: ‘Game’ and ‘Movie’.The ‘Game’ setting is equivalent to the original 5.1 sound setting and is best suited to games, particularly irst-person shooters. If you intend to watch ilms on the computer, ‘Movie’ is the best setting as it ensures that the voices sound clearer and more deined. CenterUsing this controller, you can adjust the volume level of the voices. By doing this, you can raise the voices above the background noises and the music, for example.FrontThe ‘Front’ controller controls the volume of the left and right channels – in other words the stereo sound. RearThe ‘Rear’ controller controls the volume of the rear speakers – these produce the surround sound effects.SubUsing the ‘Sub’ controller, you can adjust the subwoofer, in other words the bass level, and also the vibration strength. The higher the ‘Sub’ controller level is set to, the stronger and more noticeable the vibration.