SR-G10001の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全142ページ 15.06MB]
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257 256Education: 1973-77 Kyushu Institute of Technology (K.I.T.)Bachelor of Science,March 1977Major: MetallurgyMinors: Mining,Oil chemistryActivities in K.I.T.: Swimming Club; 2 years English Speaking Society; 3 yearsWork experience: 1977 to date: purchasing of raw and rough materials in West HeavyIndustriesTalent: Cost and value analyzing, especially of steel, casting and forging Speak good EnglishReferences: Dr.Hachiro Imai, President of Kyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka (Phone: 092-345-6789) Dr. Koichi Kubo, Professor of Metallurgy, Kyushu Institute of Technology (ph. 092-234-5678) Mr. Ushimatsu Yanagida, chief of personnel department,West Heavy IndustriesLetter of RecommendationMarch 5, 1982To whom it may concern:Mr. Ichiro Honda has been an excellent assistant in my research works at ProductionEngineering Laboratory, Tokyo University.He showed himself to be aggressive andenthusiastic in every way for a past year. I feel confident that he will prove an activeengineer and be able to fulfill his study in manufacturing and engineering area at the newCorporation he wishes to enter.Respectfully yours(Signature)Katsuji UchiyamaProfessor Dr. of ProductionEngineering LaboratoryTokyo UniversityData: Height 164 cm Weight 62 kg Health excellent, Married to-be, October, 1982 Hobbies,car driving and mountain climbing Affiliations: Member of Japan Soceity of AutomotiveEngineering Member of Meguro Mountain Climbing References: Soichiro Koga, PersonnelManager, Tokyo Univ. Production Eng. Laboratory, Phone: 123-4567 Ext.890Application Letter6-7-8, Honkomagome,Bunkyouku, Tokyo 113May 10, 1982Personnel Manager, Labor Dept.A Tokyo Steel Industry Ltd.9-1-2, NihonbashiChuo-ku Tokyo 103Dear Sir:I found your advertisement for an engineer in today's Asahi Evening News and I would liketo apply for that positions.I am twenty-eight years old and a graduate of Kyushu Institute of Technology.For the pastfive years I have been employed at West Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.I am enclosing my personal record.In West Heavy Industries, I have been working in Purchasing and I am a cost and valueanalyst of metals and raw materials.I hope that I should be given the opportunity of an interview as soon as possible.Very truly yours,( Signature )Yasuo ToyodaEnclosure: PERSONAL RECORDPERSONAL RECORDofYasuo Toyoda6-7-8, HonkomagomeBunkyoku, Tokyo 113(Telephone; 978-6543)Personal Data: Date of Birth: January 23, 1954 Place of Birth: Futsukaichi,Fukuoka Pref. Marital Status: Single