SR-G10001の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全142ページ 15.06MB]
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275 274実用 英会話ビジネスひとこと辞典"Business English Conversation Book" modeYou can look up conversation sentences in any of three ways.日本語 By entering Japanese words英 語 By entering English words場面別検索 From the scene of the conversation 論文のための英語文型・文例辞典"The New Dictionary of English Composition for Science" mode目次から探す You can find and see the contents from the table of contents.例文検索 You can look up example sentences containing specific English words.役だつール テキストビューアー/ Text Viewer MP3プレーヤー/ MP3 Player ファイル管理/ File control 複数辞書一括検索/ Selects the multiple access mode 例文・成句検索 Activates example sentence or idiom search function. マルチ例文検索 Selects the function of the example sentence search with search option. 日本語キーワード例文検索 Selects the function of the example sentence search from Japanese. 電卓/ Selects the calculator function . 環境設定/ Selects the basic operational settings . 単語帳管理/ Selects the card word book control . 著作権表示/ Selects the display of copyright . ユニットID/ Shows the unit ID number.単語帳 You can keep up to 1,000 words and example sentences.凡 例 The unit can show the explanatory notes for the dictionaries.Collins Thesaurus mode類 語 Selects the Thesaurus mode.Oxford dictionaries mode英 英 Selects the English Dictionary mode.類 語 Selects the Thesaurus mode.O S D You can look up example sentences from the Oxford SentenceDictionary.例文検索 You can look up example sentences containing specific English words.成句検索 You can look up set phrases containing specific English words.国語 新漢語林"Kangorin" Kanji Dictionary modeYou can look up a kanji you can't read in any of five ways.音訓読み On / Kun reading 部首読み Reading of radical部首画数 Radical stroke count 部首内画数 [ Total stroke count ] - [ Radical stroke count ]総画数 Total stroke count熟語検索 You can find and see the meanings of kanji compounds on thebasis of data contained in the Kangorin kanji dictionary. 日本語大シソーラス"Taishukan Japanese Thesaurus" mode類 語 Selects the Thesaurus mode.分類別検索 You can search for synonyms from the category of the things.百科 ブリタニカ国際大百科事典"Britannica Encyclopedia (Japanese)" mode日本語 You can find and see the definitions of words from Japanese.英 語 You can find and see the definitions of words from English.キーワード You can search for headwords from the definitions containingspecific Japanese key words.ジャンル別事典 You can search for headwords from the category of the things. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia英英百科 You can find and see the definitions of words.キーワード You can search for words from the key words.