SR-G9003NH3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全202ページ 15.35MB]
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393 392Dictionary mode keys, Menu key and their functionsSelects the multiple access mode.(アルファベット ) By entering English words(日本語 ) By entering Japanese words"Daijisen" Japanese dictionary mode大辞泉 Selects the "Daijisen" Japanese dictionary mode.逆引き You can search for definitions from the end of a word.慣用句 You can find and see the meanings of Japanese idioms.アルファベット You can search for the alphabetical word.分野別小事典 You can look up a specific word from two spheres.(小百科 ) Category of the things ( 歳時記 ) Seasonal words"Britannica Encyclopedia (Japanese)" mode日本語 You can find and see the definitions of words from Japanese.英 語 You can find and see the definitions of words from English.キーワード You can search for headwords from the definitions containingspecific Japanese key words.ジャンル別事典 You can search for headwords from the category of the things."Kenkyusha's New English-Japanese Dictionary" mode英 和 Selects the English-Japanese Dictionary mode.例文検索 You can look up example sentences containing specific English words.成句検索 You can look up set phrases containing specific English words."Luminous English-Japanese Dictionary" mode英 和 Selects the English-Japanese Dictionary mode.例文検索 You can look up example sentences containing specific English words.成句検索 You can look up set phrases containing specific English words.TOEIC(R)テスト頻出語句2000You can study the words that occurs frequently on the TOEIC(R) Test.目次検索 You can find and see the contents from the table of contents."Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary" mode和 英 Selects the Japanese-English Dictionary mode."New Japanese-English Dictionary of Natural Science" mode和 英 Selects the Japanese-English Dictionary mode.和文検索 You can look up example sentences from the Japanese words."Random House English-Japanese Dictionary" mode英 和 Selects the English-Japanese Dictionary mode.カナ発音 You can search for English words from the katakana.例文検索 You can look up example sentences containing specific English words.成句検索 You can look up set phrases containing specific English words"English-Japanese Dictionary for the General Reader" mode英 和 Selects the English-Japanese Dictionary mode.例文検索 You can look up example sentences containing specific English words.成句検索 You can look up set phrases containing specific English words.訳語検索 You can search for headwords from the Japanese meanings.Oxford dictionaries (OALD/COD/COT/COL/OPHV/OBED) mode英 英 Selects the five oxford dictionary mode.類 語 Selects the Thesaurus mode.例文検索 You can look up example sentences containing specific English words.成句検索 You can look up set phrases containing specific English words."Dictionary of English Collocations" mode英 和 Selects the English-Japanese Dictionary mode.連語検索 You can look up example sentences having specific collocations.例文検索 You can look up example sentences containing specific English words.訳語検索 You can search for English words from the Japanese meanings."1,800,000 words English-Japanese / Japanese-English Dictionary" mode英 和 Selects the English-Japanese Dictionary mode.和 英 Selects the Japanese-English Dictionary mode.記号・数字で始まる語句You can look up the meanings of the words start from mark or numeral."Unno's Real (English-Japanese / Japanese-English) Dictionary" mode英 和 Selects the English-Japanese Dictionary mode.和 英 Selects the Japanese-English Dictionary mode.例文検索 You can look up example sentences containing specific English words.和訳検索 You can look up example sentences from the Japanese meanings.記 号 You can look up the meanings of the mark.