クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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VEHICLESSOLDINCANADA With respect to any Vehicles Sold in Canada, the name ChryslerGroup LLC shall be deemed to be deleted and the name ChryslerCanada Inc. used in substitution therefore.DRIVINGANDALCOHOL Drunken driving is one of the most frequent causes of accidents.Your driving ability can be seriously impaired with blood alcohollevels far below the legal minimum. If you are drinking, don’t drive.Ridewithadesignatednon-drinkingdriver,callacab,afriend,orusepublic transportation.WARNING!Driving after drinking can lead to an accident. Your percep-tions are less sharp, your reflexes are slower, and your judg-ment is impaired when you have been drinking. Never drinkand then drive.This manual illustrates and describes the operation of features andequipmentthatareeitherstandardoroptionalonthisvehicle.Thismanual may also include a description of features and equipmentthat are no longer available or were not ordered on this vehicle.Please disregard any features and equipment described in thismanual that are not on this vehicle.Chrysler Group LLC reserves the right to make changes in designandspecifications,and/ormakeadditionstoorimprovementstoitsproductswithoutimposinganyobligationuponitselftoinstallthemon products previously manufactured.Copyright © 2012 Chrysler Group LLC
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