クライスラー・300Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全592ページ 4.48MB]
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MANUAL PARK RELEASE 8 SPEEDTRANSMISSION (3.6L Engine)WARNING!Always secure your vehicle by fully applying theparking brake, before activating the Manual ParkRelease. Activating the Manual Park Release willallow your vehicle to roll away if it is not secured bythe parking brake or by proper connection to a towvehicle. Activating the Manual Park Release on anunsecured vehicle could lead to serious injury ordeath for those in or around the vehicle.In order to push or tow the vehicle in cases where thetransmission will not shift out of PARK (such as a deadbattery), a Manual Park Release is available.Follow these steps to use the Manual Park Release:NOTE:To prevent the vehicle from rolling unintention-ally, firmly apply the parking brake.1. Remove the console storage bin to access the ManualPark Release lever.Console Storage Bin488 WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES
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