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POTABLE WATER SYSTEM WINTERIZING To winterize your potable water system:i) Drain the entire system.ii) Add 2 L (1/2 gallon) of approved nontoxic recreational vehicle antifreeze to the fresh water tank usingthe gravity fill. Close water heater bypass valves to avoid filling the water heater storage tank withantifreeze. Otherwise,use 25 L (6.5 gallons) of antifreeze.iii) Turn on the water pump.iv) Open both faucets until antifreeze is visible.v) Open the toilet valve until antifreeze is visible.vi) Turn off pump.To prepare your potable water system for use:i) Drain the antifreeze from the system.ii) Sanitize the system if desired.iii) Fill the system with water.iv) Open bypass valves.WATER HEATER BYPASS To activate the water heater bypass:i) Drain the entire system.ii) Turn the brass valves located on the interior front of the water heater to the closed position.WINTER USE We recommend that you do not use the water system during freezing weather and ensure that it is properlydrained or winterized before the temperature falls below freezing.If use of the water system is necessary under freezing conditions,use portable water containers and antifreeze inthe waste water tanks. Be sure to use an approved nontoxic recreational vehicle antifreeze and follow themanufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure that damage to the system will not occur.WATER SYSTEMDoc No:MNSA0006 Rev:00Copyright(C) Hanmar Motor Corporation 203 E-4POTABLE WATER SYSTEM WINTERIZING To winterize your potable water system:i) Drain the entire system.ii) Add 2 L (1/2 gallon) of approved nontoxic recreational vehicle antifreeze to the fresh water tank usingthe gravity fill. Close water heater bypass valves to avoid filling the water heater storage tank withantifreeze. Otherwise,use 25 L (6.5 gallons) of antifreeze.iii) Turn on the water pump.iv) Open both faucets until antifreeze is visible.v) Open the toilet valve until antifreeze is visible.vi) Turn off pump.To prepare your potable water system for use:i) Drain the antifreeze from the system.ii) Sanitize the system if desired.iii) Fill the system with water.iv) Open bypass valves.WATER HEATER BYPASS To activate the water heater bypass:i) Drain the entire system.ii) Turn the brass valves located on the interior front of the water heater to the closed position.WINTER USE We recommend that you do not use the water system during freezing weather and ensure that it is properlydrained or winterized before the temperature falls below freezing.If use of the water system is necessary under freezing conditions,use portable water containers and antifreeze inthe waste water tanks. Be sure to use an approved nontoxic recreational vehicle antifreeze and follow themanufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure that damage to the system will not occur.