ASW608の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全104ページ 12.87MB]
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11adjusting the volume level of the subwoofer. The moreboost gained from the room, the lower the volume canbe set and the less hard the subwoofer has to work;but there is a down side. Subwoofers positioned nearcorners often generate more low-frequency roomresonances, making the bass more uneven withfrequency. There is no substitute for experiment as allrooms behave differently, so the subwoofer should betried in a variety of positions before a final decision ismade. A piece of music with a bass line ascending ordescending the musical scale is useful for assessingthe smoothness of the bass response. Listen forexaggerated or quiet notes.If the subwoofer is to be used in a confined space(e.g. built into furniture), the space must be ventilatedto allow sufficient air to circulate and cool the unit. Askyour dealer for advice.The subwoofer is intended to be floor mounted only. Itis important to ensure the subwoofer stands firmly onthe floor using the spike feet supplied wheneverpossible. The spike feet are designed to pierce carpetand rest on the floor surface. Initially, screw the locknuts onto the spikes enough to leave the nuts floatingjust above the carpet when the spikes are resting onthe floor beneath. Screw the spikes fully into thethreaded inserts in the base of the cabinet. If thecabinet rocks when placed on the floor, unscrew thetwo spikes that do not touch the floor until the cabinetrests firmly without rocking. Finally, lock the nutsagainst the cabinet. It may be more convenient to fitand adjust the spike feet after speaker positioning hasbeen optimised.If there is no carpet and you wish to avoid scratchingthe floor surface, use either a protective metal disc (acoin perhaps) between the spike and the floor or usethe supplied rubber feet. Fit the rubber feet byscrewing one into each of the holes in the undersideof the cabinet.The grille fitted to the front of the subwoofer may beremoved if desired. Take care however not to touchthe moving parts of the drive unit as damage mayresult.Using Multiple SubwoofersUsing multiple subwoofers in a single installation canimprove performance in the following ways: * Maintain stereo separation to the lowestfrequencies.* Smooth out the effects of low frequency roomresonances.* Enable a higher maximum sound output.In the case of two subwoofers used in a 2-channel audio system, stereo separation will only beimproved if each channel has its own subwooferlocated close to the appropriate satellite speaker.Electrical ConnectionsDisconnect all audio system equipment from the mainsuntil the signal connections have been made andchecked. This avoids the risk of damage whilstconnections are made or broken. The subwoofer canaccept both line level signals via the RCA Phonosockets (Item 11 in Figure 1) and speaker level signalsvia the binding posts (Item 12 in Figure 1). Use thefollowing guide to select the appropriate connectionmethod for your installation:Application: Home TheatreSubwoofer connected to AV Processor with separatepower amplifiers: Figure 2Subwoofer connected to AV Processor with integratedpower amplifiers:* using line-level inputs: Figure 3* using speaker level inputs: Figure 4Note:The subwoofer is always better connected viaits line level inputs in home theatre applications.Application: 2-channel audioSubwoofer connected to Integrated Amplifier:* using line-level inputs: Figure 5* using speaker level inputs: Figure 6Two Subwoofers connected to Integrated Amplifier:* using line-level inputs: Figure 7* using speaker level inputs: Figure 8Subwoofer connected to Pre/Power Amplifier:* using line-level input: Figure 9* using speaker level inputs: Figure 10Two Subwoofers connected to Pre/Power Amplifier:* using line-level inputs: Figure 11* using speaker level inputs: Figure 12Before AuditioningBefore auditioning your new subwoofer installation andfine-tuning it, double check the connections. Makesure in particular that:1. The phasing is correct. If the speaker level inputsare used, ensure that the positive terminals on thesubwoofer (marked + and coloured red) areconnected to the positive output terminals on theamplifier and that the negative terminals on thesubwoofer (marked - and coloured black) areconnected to the negative output terminals on theamplifier. Incorrect connection can result aconfused sound with poor bass.2. Left to right channels are not confused. Left/rightconfusion can result for example in orchestralelements appearing in the wrong place in thestereo image, or Home Theatre sound effects notmatching the action on screen.Switching On and OffSubwoofers are best switched on after any other itemand switched off first. The On/Auto/Standby switch(Item 2 in Figure 1) and Status Indicator (Item 1 inFigure 1) operate as follows:On:With the switch to On, the subwoofer will remainfully active and the indicator will glow green.7276 608_610_610XP manual.qxd 8/12/08 12:11 Page 11
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