ASW608の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全104ページ 12.87MB]
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13portrayal, and one more satisfying in the long term, isto be had by setting the subwoofer level lower thanthe standard calibration level.2-channel AudioSet the system up in the preferred position and playsome programme with a steady bass content.The optimum settings of the PHASE switch and theLOW-PASS FREQ control are inter-related and alsodependent on the low-frequency cut-off characteristicof the satellite speakers. However, the settingsrecommended above for the LOW PASS FREQ controland PHASE switch have been chosen to integrate wellwith most satellite speaker bass alignments.Using the initial settings, first check the setting of thePHASE switch. Choose the option that gives the fullestsound. Normally the recommended option will beoptimum, but may not be in certain circumstances.These may be that the power amplifiers feeding thesatellite speakers invert the signal or that thesubwoofer is not placed close to the satellite speakers.Next, adjust the VOLUME (LINE or SPEAKER) of thesubwoofer relative to the satellite systems to yourliking. Use a wide variety of programme material to getan average setting. A setting that sounds impressiveon one piece may sound overpowering on another.Listen at a realistic volume level as the perception ofmusical balance varies with sound level.Finally, adjust the LOW-PASS FREQ control to give thesmoothest transition between the subwoofer andsatellite speakers.All ApplicationsThe BASS EXTENSION switch offers three options ofsubwoofer bass extension. Position A gives thegreatest extension and position C gives the leastextension. Position B provides a compromise setting.If the system is to be used at very high volume levelsor in a large listening room, restricting the bassextension by selecting either B or C may help ensurethat the subwoofer is not asked to exceed itsperformance limits. In most situations the BASSEXTENSION switch should be left in position A.The EQ switch alters the subwoofer bass roll-offalignment. The bass you hear is a combination of thesubwoofer plus the effects of the room and you shouldchoose the position that best complements your roomand the location of the subwoofer. Position A gives a"drier" alignment, more suited to placing thesubwoofer in a corner or compensating for a resonantroom. Position B is suited to a less resonant roomacoustic and use away from a corner.If you get problems with uneven bass - certain bassnotes are exaggerated more than others - then youprobably have a room interface problem and it is worthexperimenting with the location of the subwoofer.What may seem like small changes in position - 15cm(6in) or so - can have a profound effect on the sound.The use of multiple subwoofers can smooth theeffects of room resonances, as each subwoofer willtend to excite resonances at different frequencies. Ifyou appreciably alter the relative distances from thesubwoofer(s) and satellite speakers to the listeningposition, re-assess the PHASE switch setting. Youshould also check the volume of the subwoofer (usingeither the processor output levels or the VOLUMEcontrol on the subwoofer amplifier as appropriate), butonly after setting the phase correctly.AftercareThe cabinet surfaces usually only require dusting. Ifyou wish to use an aerosol or other cleaner, removethe grille first by gently pulling it away from thecabinet. Spray aerosols onto the cleaning cloth, notdirectly onto the product. Test a small area first, assome cleaning products may damage some of thesurfaces. Avoid products that are abrasive, or containacid, alkali or anti-bacterial agents. Do not usecleaning agents on the drive unit. The grille fabric maybe cleaned with a normal clothes brush whilst thegrille is detached from the cabinet. Avoid touching thedrive unit, as damage may result. Switch off thesubwoofer before cleaning.Do not use the subwoofer as a table. When in use,objects left on top of the subwoofer are liable to rattle.In particular, avoid the risk of liquids being spilled (e.g.from drinks or vases of flowers).If the system is taken out of use for a long period,disconnect the subwoofer from the mains supply.Limited WarrantyThis product has been designed and manufactured tothe highest quality standards. However, if somethingdoes go wrong with this product, B&W Group Ltd. andits national distributors warrant free of charge labour(exclusion may apply) and replacement parts in anycountry served by an official B&W distributor.This limited warranty is valid for a period of five yearsfrom the date of purchase or two years for electronicsincluding amplified loudspeakers.Terms and Conditions1 The warranty is limited to the repair of theequipment. Neither transportation, nor any othercosts, nor any risk for removal, transportation andinstallation of products is covered by this warranty.2 This warranty is only valid for the original owner. Itis not transferable.3 This warranty will not be applicable in cases otherthan defects in materials and/or workmanship atthe time of purchase and will not be applicable:a. for damages caused by incorrect installation,connection or packing,b. for damages caused by any use other than correctuse described in the user manual, negligence,modifications, or use of parts that are not made orauthorised by B&W,c. for damages caused by faulty or unsuitableancillary equipment,7276 608_610_610XP manual.qxd 8/12/08 12:11 Page 13
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