E2241V-BNの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全28ページ 5.65MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 5.65MB
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8Connecting the DisplayE2241V/E2341V/E2341VG/E2441VNOTE' Self Image Setting Function'? This function provides the user with optimal displaysettings.When the user connemonitor for the first ime, this function automatically adjuststhe display to optimal settings for individual input signal'AUTO' Function? When you encounter problems such as blurry screen, blurred letters, screenflicker or tilted screen while using the device or after changing screen resolution, press theAUTO function button to improve resolution. ABConnect DVI-D(Digital signal) CableConnect D-sub(Analog signal) Cable 1.Before setting up the monitor, ensure that power to the monitor, the computersystem, and other attached devices is turned off. 2.Connect signal input cable and power cord order, then tighten the screwof the signal cable. Connecting with the PC12PCPCABWall-outlet typeMac adapter :For Apple Macintosh use, aseparate plug adapter is needed to change the15 pin higdensity (3 row) D-sub VGAconnector on the s upplied cable to a 15 pin 2row connector.When using a D-Sub signal input cable connectorfor Macintosh Varies according to model.NOTE This is a simplified representation of the reaThis reaiew represents a general model; your display may differ from the view as shown.3.Press the power button on the f ront panel to turn the power on. When monitor power isturned on, the 'Self Image Setting Function'is executed automatically.(Only Analog Mode)Power ButtonConnect the signal input cable and tightenit up by turning in the direction of the arrow as shown in the figure.