W2286L-PFの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全33ページ 2.33MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 2.33MB
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33page / 2.33MB
On Screen Display(OSD) Selection and Adjustment The OSD screen will appear when you press the button on the frontof the monitor.Main menu DescriptionMENU: Exit , : Move, SET : SelectCINEMA MODETo focus on the moving picture selected.This function adjusts the brightness of areas other thanthe user-selected area to provide an environment andimage quality optimized for videos or moving picture onthe web browser. * This function is operated only if the 'forteManag-er' isinstalled to PC.* HDMI input does not support.To control screen brightness automatically.When ON is selected, this function adjusts the screenbrightness automatically, depending on the surroundingenvironment, to provide optimal viewing conditions.When OFF is selected, this function is turned off. To notify the user of a specified time.This function notifies the user that a user-specified time(1 or 2 hours) has passed, which is done by displayingthe Alarm OSD and the LED blinking. Time Option: OFF/1HOUR/2HOURS To turn the live sensor of the touch button LED ON orOFF. This function senses the user 's fingers and turnson the button LEDs before users presses the buttons,for easier operation. * LED may start to work when an electrical environment isformed (i.e. human body proximity). To adjust the SMART button menus.This function adjusts AUTO BRIGHT, TIME CONTROLand LIVE SENSOR. When ON is selected, AUTO BRIGHT and LIVESENSOR are turned on and TIME CONTROL is set to1HOUR. When OFF is selected, all these functions areturned off. When AUTO BRIGHT, TIME CONTROLand LIVE SENSOR are set individually, each setting ischanged to USER automatically. AUTO BRIGHTSMARTLIVE SENSORTIME CONTROL