W2442PA-BFの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全26ページ 1.15MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 1.15MB
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26page / 1.15MB
A18On Screen Display(OSD) Selection and Adjustment Main menu Sub menu DescriptionIf this does not improve the screen image, restore the factory default settings. If necessary, perform the white balance function again. This function will be enabled onlywhen the input signal is an analog signal. SETUPSETUPRGBRGBHDMIRestore all factory default settings except"LANGUAGE." Press the , buttons to reset immediately.To choose the language in which thecontrol names are displayed.To adjust position of the OSD windowon the screen.LANGUAGEOSDPOSITIONWHITEBALANCEOVERSCANFACTORYRESETIf the output of the video card is differentthe required specifications, the colorlevel may deteriorate due to videosignal distortion. Using this function, thesignal level is adjusted to fit into thestandard output level of the video cardin order to provide the optimal image.Activate this function when white andblack colors are present in the screen.(only for RGB/DVI input) To select the range of output image forDTV timing in HDMI input.(only for HDMI input)Recommend overscan function to turnon when connect AV equipment.POWERINDICATORUse this function to set the powerindicator on the front side of the monitorto ONor OFF.If you set OFF, it will go off. If you set ONat any time, the powerindicator will automatically be turned on.RGB/DVI inputHDMI inputMENU: Exit: AdjustSET: Select another sub-menu