L204WT-BFの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 4.74MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 4.74MB
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A11Using the speakers - The feature is only for speaker models - L194WTM, L204WTMSide JackRearAUDIOINHeadphone/Earphone Input Automatically mutes the speaker volumewhen the headphones are plugged in.Audio InputConnects to the *LINE OUT jack of thePC sound card.*LINE OUTA terminal used to connect to thespeaker including a built-in amplifier(Amp). Make sure that the connectingterminal of the PC sound card is checkedbefore connecting. If the Audio Out of PCsound card has only Speaker Out,reduce the PC volume. If the Audio Out of the PC sound cardsupports both Speaker Out and Line Out,convert to Line Out using the cardjumper of the program (Refer to theSound Card Manual).*Line OutSpeaker Out<Jack of the PC sound card>
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