Razer Imperatorの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全14ページ 3.16MB]
gizport - 2013-08-14
http://dl.razerzone.com/.../ImperatorOMG-ENG.pdf - 3.16MB
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14page / 3.16MB
MANAGE MACROS TAB A macro is a sequence of keystrokes executed in a particular ord er and timing. It allows you to execute a chain of commands, with the press of just one button for faster response in your games. Macros can be up to eight characters in length, and other tasks such as media functions can be assigned. In the Manage Macros tab, you can record as many macros as you want on your computer. LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE Lighting Turn on/off the scroll button and Razer logo lights on the Razer Imperator Maintenance Update the Razer driver and firmware software by cli cking on the " Check for Updates " button. This will connect you to www.razersupport.com for the latest driver/firmware downloads.