Razer Nagaの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全29ページ 1.53MB]
gizport - 2013-08-14
http://dl.razerzone.com/.../NagaS2OMG-ENG.pdf - 1.53MB
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29page / 1.53MB
9 | razer™ PROFILE A Profile is a convenient way of saving all of the changes you have made on your device. A single Profile can store numerous settings such as button assignments and sensitivity adjustments. Profile contains the default settings of your device. Any changes made within each t ab will automati cally be saved into the current profile . If you want to rename this profile, you may do so by typing on the field below PROFILE NAME . There are other options available in the profile section such as creating a new profile by click ing the button, deleti ng the current profile by click ing the button and duplicating the current profile by click ing the button. You can even set a profile to work with a specific program or application by using the LINK PROGRAM option and clicking the button to search fo r it.
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