Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
117System accessories for the LEICA M7Interchangeable lensesThe Leica M system is ideal for fast and candidphotography. The range of lenses comprises focallengths from 21 to 135mm and widest aperturesof f/1.FiltersIn black and white photography, filters are usedfor controlled rendition of tonal values, for exam-ple in order to achieve a natural reproduction of different colors in grey tones, or in order to improve the appearance of the sky or clouds onthe picture. In color photography, filters can beused to adjust color rendition to the wishes of the user or to the spectral sensitivity of the filmemployed.A range of different filters, equipped with stand-ard filter thread sizes, are available for the currentLeica M lenses, including a circular polarising filter.When the exposure is metered through the lens,any reduction in the quantity of light by the filter isautomatically taken into account. However, filmshave different sensitivities in the individual spec-tral ranges; consequently denser, more extremefilters may cause deviations from the correct exposure. For example, orange filters generally require one stop more exposure; red on averagetwo stops more. A universally valid correction fac-tor is not possible as the red sen sitivity of blackand white films varies considerably.ViewfinderThe LEICA Viewfinder for 21/24/28mm lensesmakes it possible to set the framing for the threewide-angle focal lengths, for which there are nobright line frames in the camera viewfinder. Thethree settings can be selected using a knurled ringthat engages audibly and perceptibly.The optical performance corresponds to the highlevel of the LEICA M7 viewfinder, is also suitablefor wearers of eyeglasses and offers extremelyhigh magnification and therefore good recognitionof detail. If the viewfinder is used without eye-glasses, eye defects can be corrected using thescrew-on Leica M camera corrective lenses. Theeyepiece has a rubber coating to protect eye-glasses. The viewfinder’s robust aluminium body is avail-able in black or silver to match the designs of thecamera body.